
Be Heard! Take the Federal Reserve Survey

Federal Reserve Survey Dallas Texas SBDC

Business Owners! Let Washington know your thoughts and ideas! Take the Federal Reserve 2018 Small Business Credit Survey

This voluntary survey is sponsored solely by the Federal Reserve Banks. The questions are best answered by an owner or key financial decision maker and will take about 10 minutes.

Survey responses will be aggregated for research and analysis. The Federal Reserve Banks will not disclose individual or identifiable survey responses except to trusted service providers to prepare data for analysis under strict confidentiality guidelines or if required by law or legal process. The Federal Reserve Banks may make anonymized data publicly available.

The survey link is HERE

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Cash For Your Calling – Funding Your Social Impact – August 16

Cash For Your Calling
Funding Your Social Impact

What is a social enterprise & how do you fund it? A social enterprise is a for-profit company that makes a positive impact on society or the environment. Social Enterprises have funding options from both non-profit and for-profit worlds, but misconceptions cause Social Entrepreneurs to waste time & money when their energy could be put to the Greater Good!

·Get the straight facts from the U.S. Small Business Administration and Social Enterprise Expert with live Q &A so you get the answers you need.
·Want more? Get personalized business counseling through your local SBDC Take advantage of computer research databases and startup business tools too.
·Don’t just read internet blog—attend and discover what is possible and practical.

Startup Greater Good: Tisha Dodge
Small Business Administration: Michelle Torres, Lender Relations
Dallas Metro SBDC: Steve Sweeney, Business Advisor

Addison Treehouse
Town of Addison, Economic Development
Frost Bank


Thursday, August 16, 2018
8:15am Doors Open
8:45am-12:00 pm

Addison Treehouse
14681 Midway Road
Addison, TX 75001

This session is free but space is limited so register now:

And. . . .

Bonus One-on-One Strategy Sessions:
Sign up for a free 15-minute, one-on-one strategy session after Cash for Your Calling. With the experience of over two decades as a lawyer, business owner, and as the founder of StartUp Greater Good, PBC, the only Texas Public Benefit Corporation dedicated to Social Entrepreneurs. Tisha Dodge can guide you as to the legal aspects and business realities with a customized one-on-one consultation. You must be present to sign up on a first-come, first-served basis.

Bonus Strategy One-on-One Sessions
Addison Treehouse




Finding the Right Franchise and How to Finance It

FranNet & Midwest Regional Bank are hosting a workshop on franchise selection, financing and ownership.

Finding the Right Franchise and How to Finance It!

Georgetown Office Community
17766 Preston Road, Dallas, TX 75252

Tue, May 22, 2018
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM CDT

Presented by Ndaba Mdhlongwa (FranNet) and Sam Criales (Midwest Regional Bank)

With so many different franchises for sale today, figuring out which franchise opportunity is the right fit can be daunting and difficult to say the least.
Join us for a 1-hour lunch & learn session, where you will learn about the franchise industry and the process to finding a franchise that is the right fit for you. You will also learn about financing options from an SBA loan specialist; and in particular, an option that allows you to put up less of your money up front.
So, are you ready to begin your franchise exploration journey? Take the first step by registering for this event.
Lunch will be provided. There will also be a drawing at the end for a $50 Visa Gift Card.

Register Here at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/finding-the-right-franchise-and-how-to-finance-it-tickets-45194855028


Google Livestream for National Small Business Week

Join us in attending a free 3-Day Virtual Conference during National Small Business Week!
Participate in all the webinars or pick and choose the topics you like.

Webinars include:

·         How Changing Consumer Behavior Impacts Your Business – May 1 at 12:00 PM CT
·         Addressing Discrimination and Harassment in the Workplace – May 1 at 1:30 PM CT
·         Get New and Repeat Business On Autopilot with Email Marketing – May 1 at 3:00 PM CT
·         Creating and Sustaining a Strong Social Presence – May 1 at 4:30 PM CT
·         The U.S. Economic Outlook and Its Impact on Small Businesses – May 2 at 12:00 PM CT
·         Managing Your Finances in the Cloud – May 2 at 1:30 PM CT
·         Grow Your Business in 2018 – May 2 at 3:00 PM CT
·         Simple Steps to Choosing the Right Financing – May 2 at 4:30 PM CT
·         Hug Your Haters: How to Embrace Complaints & Keep Your Customers – May 3 at 12:00 PM CT
·         Sharing Your Story Through Video – May 3 at 1:30 PM CT
·         Pop & Play: How Opening a Pop-Up Shop Can Help Launch Your Retail Brand – May 3 at 3:00 PM CT
·         Fusion Marketing: The Next Generation of Marketing – May 3 at 4:30 PM CT


More info at  https://www.sba.gov/national-small-business-week/virtual-conference


Accion Coaching Event – April 26

accion small business loaching lending event

accion small business loaching lending event

Accion is partnering with The Dallas Entrepreneurial Center to bring to Dallas the Sam Adams’ signature speed coaching program, Brewing the American Dream (BTAD). This event is free and will be held on Thursday, April 26, from 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. at The Dallas Entrepreneurial Center (The DEC), in the West End district of downtown Dallas, Texas.  Speed Coaching is an incredible opportunity for small business owners of food, beverage and craft brewing businesses to get real world coaching on a range of issues. From sales and distribution, to packaging and finance, to marketing and social media, coaches from Samuel Adams, local-area business experts, and Accion, the nation’s leading non-profit provider of small business capital, are on tap.

Accion DEC Sam Adams Food Industry Speed Coaching Event Dallas

Register HERE


SBDCDay 2018

Mark your Calendar: This Wednesday, March 21 is #SBDCDay ! – Celebrating the Successes of Small Businesses across the U.S.! All week the Dallas Metropolitan SBDC will be featuring some of our fabulous small business owners (and the assistance they receive from their local SBDC).

SBDC Day will unite the nearly 1,000 SBDC centers across the country and the hundreds of thousands of clients they serve by sharing, in real time, the success stories and notable impacts SBDCs collectively have on the small business community at large. Help us showcase the impact of the North Texas SBDC by being part of the 2nd annual #SBDCDay campaign. Check out
https://americassbdc.org/SBDCDay/ to learn more!

Visit our Dallas Metropolitan SBDC social media accounts to read some real Dallas Metropolitan SBDC client feedback on our program!

Dallas Metropolitan SBDC social media accounts


State Star 2017

State Star 2017

Congratulations to Judith Collins!

The North Texas Small Business Development Center (NTSBDC) Network is pleased to announce Judith Collins, Dallas Metropolitan SBDC Business Advisor, as the recipient of the 2017 North Texas SBDC Network’s State Star Award.

Judith’s Significant Contributions to Small Business
Judith Collins has been awarded the North Texas SBDC (NTSBDC) Network’s State Star Award for her performance excellence and service of the highest caliber beyond the standard.

She is an advocate for small business interests by promoting small business initiatives focusing on jobs and business growth. Her stellar leadership and performance through bold, exemplary, imaginative and effective efforts make exceptional contributions to the North Texas SBDC Network and the Dallas Metropolitan SBDC communities.

The North Texas Small Business Development Centers selected Judith Collins as the 2017 State Star. The award, given annually, recognizes a member of the North Texas SBDC staff that has shown exemplary performance and a strong commitment to small business success.

Judith is a certified business advisor at the Dallas Metropolitan SBDC who works with entrepreneurs and small businesses in Dallas County to start and grow their businesses. In the nine years Judith has been with the SBDC, she continues to offer valued services to small businesses and has spent 36,804 hours advising 9,350 clients. She’s helped to start 531 businesses, created and retained 2,150 jobs and generated almost $63 million in capital.

Judith is driven to achieve her goals and is dedicated to helping small businesses succeed and her efforts are strategically aligned with the vision of accelerating the economy. She brings energy to Dallas County and is a great representative of the North Texas SBDC Network and Dallas Metropolitan SBDC. She has been a tremendous asset to the Network and the entrepreneurs she serves.

Judith will be recognized at a special awards reception honoring the 2017 America’s SBDC State Stars in conjunction with the America’s Small Business Development Center Network (ASBDC) 37th National Conference. The annual SBDC award recognizes the top performer from each state who makes significant contributions to their Network, demonstrates exceptional performance, and embodies a strong commitment to small businesses.

Please join us in congratulating Judith Collins (jcollins@dcccd.edu) on receiving such a prestigious award!